The Setups 3: What to Say

Part I: As you tap on the Karate Chop Point or rub on the Sore Spots, say out loud (or silently) what is going on with you. Like this:
Even though I have this headache

Part II: Then you say the Accept Phrase:
I deeply and completely accept myself.

So a Setup is like this:
Even though I have this headache...
I deeply and completely accept myself.

Say each Setup three times like this:
1. Even though I have this headache
I deeply and completely accept myself.
2. Even though I have this headache
I deeply and completely accept myself.
3. Even though I have this headache
I deeply and completely accept myself.

This is called a "round" of setups.

Say the Setup Phrases out loud (or you can say it silently if you cannot make noise or if you want to be private) as you tap or rub. If you find yourself choking on "I accept myself," then say this: "I deeply and completely WANT to accept myself." It will get easier every time you say it, and one day you will surprise yourself by saying "I accept myself" without a thought!.

Repeat the above round out loud, right now.

Why do you have to do this part? Click next to find out....















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Get free with the Key: EFT, the Emotional Freedom Techniques