The Basic Tapping Points

After you do the Setups, start tapping at the eyebrow point.

Tap from point 1 to 7, as you say the gist of what your problem or issue is, like this:

1 - eyebrow point: this headache in my eye
2 - side of eye: this headache in my eye
3 - under eye:
this headache in my eye
4 - under nose:
this headache in my eye
5 - chin:
this headache in my eye
6 - collarbones:
this headache in my eye
7 - underarm:
this headache in my eye

You did 3 Setups already; practice tapping this one full tapping round from 1 to 7 right now as you focus on your pain or problem, as you repeat the headache phrase.

When you have done three Setups and one tapping round, you have completed one full EFT Round!

There are other really powerful tapping points, but you don't need them quite yet. When you read Change Your Mind! with EFT, the Basics, you'll find an illustrated chapter on the basic tapping points, and more.

Now you re-rate your pain! Can it really be that easy? Click next to find out....















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Get free with the Key: EFT, the Emotional Freedom Techniques